JALAPEÑO Pepper Sponsor
Sponsorship Investment: $1,000.00
Non-Exclusive Representation – Festival Deliverables:
TASTE: 5,000 scoville units * When pickled, tangy & slightly sour, when fresh, more of a vegetable flavor.
- Sponsor will appear on Sponsor Page of the festival website with a logo and link to Sponsor’s page.
- Sponsor included in limited Texas Hot Sauce Festival social media some will feature Sponsor’s content.
- Sponsor will appear on Official Festival T-Shirt.
- Sponsor will appear in the Exhibitor Section of the Festival Guide.
- Sponsor may set up exhibitor booth or other display area at the festival.
- Sponsor will receive 10 comp. tickets for employees or customers.
- Sponsor will receive 2 VIP Passes.
- Invitation to the “VIP Party” Saturday evening.
* Scoville Units: The Scoville Organoleptic Test is a dilution-taste procedure. The pungency of chile peppers is measured in multiples of 100 units. Although peppers can vary from pod to pod, plant to plant, variety to variety, and even season to season, listed above is an approximate scale for several varieties of peppers. The substance that makes a chile so hot (and popular with chileheads) is Capsaicin – Pure Capsaicin rates over 15,000,000 Scoville Units!
R. D. Yoder, Organizer/Promoter
P. O. Box 25111 | Houston, Texas| 77265-2511
Office: 713-714-1916 | Cell: 281-216-5652
Email: rdyoder@txhotsaucefestival.com